"We developed and prototyped the new VariThrow "Intelligent" sprinkler for the client
from an idea in only 30 days last summer. Within another 15 days we had already
applied for the provisional patent, created the Amazon listing, and Google AdWords
advertising account. The next day the orders began coming in." - J Allyn

                      (results are not typical)

Now That's Product Development


Today's enteprenuers need more than so-called "invention submission" type
services that charge you thousands of dollars in fees and produce no results.
We strategically work with our clients to assist them in achieving real results.
Helping you develop tomorrow's products today.

Product Development Consulting Fees You Control

Let's face it. You're just beginning development of your product. You're
not rich yet. So we understand you don't have a lot of money to spend
on our consulting sevices. Therefore, we've structured an affordable and
predictable flat-rate monthly consulting fee that you get to control.

Some Past and Current Projects and Clients